GB/T 13531. 3-1995.Generel methods on determination of cosmetics-Determination of cloudiness.1主题内容 与适用范围GB/T 13531. 3规定了化妆品浊度的检验方法。GB/T...
GB/T 13531. 2一1992.General methods on determination of cosmetics-Determination of colour tristimulus values and colour difference△E".1主题內容与适用范围GB/T 13531. 2规定...
GB/T 13531. 1-2000.General methods on determination of cosmeties-Determioation of pH.1范围GB/T 13531. 1规定了化妆品pH值的测定方法。GB/T 13531. 1适用于化妆品pH值的...
GB/T 13528-1992.Paper and board-Determination of surface pH.5试剂试验应用pH基准试剂或分析纯试剂。试验用水应符合5.1规定的要求。5.1纯水5.1.1水质:pH 值...
GB/T 13523-1992.Copper red glaze porcelain.5.9运用表4 分级还须符合下列规定:a.优等品每件产品不得超过2种缺陷;b.一等品每件产品不得超过4种缺陷;c...
GB/T 13522-1992.Bone china.1主题内容 与适用范围GB/T 13522规定了骨灰瓷器的产品分类技术要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输、储存规...
GB 13484-1992.Enamelled ware in contact with food.1主题内容与适用范围GB 13484规定了接触食物搪瓷制品的产品分类、技术要求、检测方法、检验规则、标...
GB/T 13217. 8-1991.Test method for blocking resistance of plastics gravure printing inks.1主题内容 与适用范围GB/T 13217. 8规定了凹版塑料油壘抗粘连的检验方法。...
GB/T 13217. 7-1991.Test method for adhesion to substrate of plastics gravure printing inks with tape.1主题内容 与适用范围GB/T 13217. 7规定了凹版塑料油墨附着牢度的...
GB/T 13217. 6-1991.Test method for relative tinting strength of plastics gravure printing inks.1主题内容 与适用范围GB/T 13217. 6规定了凹版塑料抽壘着色力的检验方...