GB 11414-1989.Laboratory glassw are-Bottles.6.5瓶身外径、瓶口 内径等用游标卡尺(GB 1214)和高度尺(B 1565)测量。6.6壁厚用 CCH型超声波测厚仪测量。7检验...
GB 1407-1996.Types and dimentions of bayonet lamp caps.1范围GB 1407规定了卡口式灯头的型式和尺寸。GB 1407适用于电光源用卡口式灯头的型式和尺寸。2引用...
QB/T 2898 -2007.Lunch container set made of paper.1范围QB/T 2898规定了餐用纸制品的分类、要求、试验方法、检验规则及标志、包装、运输、贮存。QB/T...
GB/T 24800.13-2009.Determination of nitrite in cosmetics by ion chromatography method.1范围GB/T 24800.13规定了化妆品中亚硝酸盐的测定方法。GB/T 24800.13适用于皮肤...
GB/T 24800. 12-2009.Determination of p-phenylenediamine , 0 phenylenediamine and m-phenylenediamine in cosmetics.1范围GB/T 24800. 12规定了用高效液相色谱法和气相色谱法...
GB/T 24800. 11-2009.Determination of benzyl alcohol as antiseptic in cosmetics by gas chromatography method.1范围GB/T 24800. 11规定了用气相色谱法测定化妆品中防腐剂...
GB/T 24800. 10-2009.Determination of 19 flavors in cosmetics by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method.1范围GB/T 24800. 10规定了化妆晶中苧烯、苄醇、芳樟醇、2...
GB/T 24800.7-2009.Determination of brucine and strychnine in cosmetics by high performance liquid chromatography method.1范围GB/T 24800.7规定了化妆品中马钱子贼和士的宁...
GB/T 24800.6-2009.Determination of 21 sulfonamides in cosmetics by high performance liquid chromatography method.1范围GB/T 24800.6规定了化妆品中二十一种磺胺的高效液...
GB/T 24800.5-2009.Determination of nitrofurantoin and furazolidone in cosmetics by high performance liquid chromatography method.1范園GB/T 24800.5规定了化妆品中呋哺安因和...