GB 15766. 1-2008.Lamps for road vehicles-Dimensional , electrical and luminous requirements.1.1范围GB 15766. 1适用于作为道路机动车辆前照灯、雾灯和信号灯的灯泡...
GB 11652-1989.Technology regulations for the working safe of fireworks and fireracker.1主题内容与适用范围GB 11652规定了烟花爆竹企业在生产和贮运过程中的劳动...
GB 7000.225- 2008/IEC 60598-2-25 : 1994.Luminaires- Part 2-25: Particular requirements-lumi naires used in clinical areas of hospitals and health care buildings.1.1 "范围GB7000的本...
GB/T 3903.4-2008.Footwear-General test methods -H lardness.1范围GB/T3903的本部分规定了鞋类外底与鞋跟硬度的试验方法。GB/T 3903.4适用于测定成鞋外底、成...
GB 4515- 1984.Stitch types- classifica tion and termi nology.3分类线迹型式分为6类,各类特征见下面图示。3.1 100类一 链式线迹: 由一根或-根以上针线自连...
GB 2797-2008.Technical specification for lamp caps.1范围GB 2797规定了各种金属灯头、陶瓷灯头和塑料灯头的安全要求试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、...
GB 19415-2003.Limited values of energy efficiency and evaluating values of energy conservation for single-capped fluorescent lamps.1范围GB 19415规定了单端荧光灯的能效限定...
GB/T 1546-2004.Pulps-Determination of Kappa number.1范围GB/T 1546规定了纸浆卡伯值的测定方法。GB/T 1546适用于得率约在60%以下的各种未漂浆,不适用于测定...
GB/T 1545.2-2003.Paper , board and pulp-Determination of pH of aqueous extracts.1范團GB/T 1545的本部分规定了纸、纸板和纸浆水抽提液pH的测定方法。GB/T 1545.2适...
GB/T 1545.1-2003.Paper , board and pulp-Determination of acidity or alkalinity.1范围GB/T1545的本部分规定了用滴定法测定纸、纸板和纸浆水抽提液酸度或碱度的...