QB/T 4300-2012.Industrial sewing machine Computer controlled embroidery machine with a lock stitch pattern test.1范围QB/T 4300规定了工业用缝纫机计算机控制锁式线迹刺...
QB/T 4299-2012.Testing method of relative tolerance of sewing machine forward and backward stitch length.1范围QB/T 4299规定了工业用缝纫机倒、顺缝纫线迹长度相对误...
QB/T 4298 - 2012.Testing method of relative tolerance of sewing machine high and low speed stitch length.1范围QB/T 4298规定了工业用缝纫机高、低速缝纫线迹长度相对...
QB/T 4297-2012.Testing method of locking force for fastening piece of sewing machine.1范團QB/T 4297规定了缝纫机紧圃螺钉和相关零件螺纹连接的术语和定义及符号...
QB/T 4296-2012.Industrial sewing machine Technical requirements for permanent magnet AC servo motor.1范围QB/T 4296规定了工业用缝纫机永磁交流伺服电动机的术语和定...
QB/T 4295一2012.Garment machinery Auto control fusing machine.1范围QB/T 4295规定了自动控制热熔粘合机的产品分类、术语和定义、要求、试验方法、检验规...
QB/T 4294.1 - 2012.Garment machinery NC straight knife cutting machine Part 1: General specifications.1范園QB/T 4294.1规定了直刀式数控裁剪机的设计、制造、使用的...
QB/T 4293-2012.Sewing machine Testing regulations of product.1范圜QB/T 4293规定了缝纫机产品标准中检验规则的质量特性的不合格分类、检验分类.抽样方案...
QB/T 4291-2012.Soccer goal and net.1范围QB/T 4291规定了足球门柱和网的分类、要求、试验方法、检验规则和标志、包装、运输、贮存。QB/T 4291适用于...
QB/T 4290-2012.Volleyball uprights and net.4.2.1球柱应为圆柱形, 高度应可调,表面不应有任何危险设施和障碍物。4.2.2球柱应能稳定地固定在场地上...