JT/T 888-2014 Type dividing and class rating for public bus.1范围JT/T 888规定了公共汽车类型、等级划分及评定内容、规则和要求。JT/T 888适用于公共汽车...
JT/T 887-2014 Determination of the center of gravity for bus.1范围JT/T 887规定了客车质心位置的测量条件、测量方法等。JT/T 887适用于M2、M3类客车。2规范性...
JT/T 886.2-2014 Technical requirements for swap trailer transport of road vehicles Part 2 : Semi-trailer.1范围JT/T 886.2规定了道路甩挂运输半挂车的基本要求、配置要...
JT/T 886.1-2014 Technical requirements for swap trailer transport of road vehicles.1范围JT/T 886.1规定了道路甩挂运输半挂牵引车的基本要求、匹配尺寸、操控配...
JT/T 885-2014 Safety detecting requirements and methods for commercial semi-trailer.1范围JT/T 885规定了营运半挂车在无牵引状态下安全性能要求与检测方法。J...
JT/T 884-2014 Commercial vehicle antirolling stability test method-Steady circle test.1范围JT/T 884规定了营运车辆抗侧翻稳定性稳态圆周试验的目的和方法、测量...
JT/T 883-2014 Commercial vehicle driving dangerous warning system technical requirements and test procedures.1范围JT/T 883规定了营运车辆行驶危险预警系统(以下简称预...
JT/T 882-2014 Technical requirements of cargo loading-unloading and securement for swap trailer transport.1范围JT/T 882规定了道路甩挂运输中的货物装载基本原则.装载...
JT/T 881.3-2013 Inland ship lifts-Part 3:Test methods and inspection regulations.1范围JT/T 881.3规定了内河船用电梯(以下简称”电梯”) ,包括乘客电梯、载货电...
JT/T 881.2-2013 Inland ship lfts-Part 2: Dumbwaiter.1范围JT/T 881.2规定了内河船用杂物电梯设计、制造与安装的技术依据和安全要求。JT/T 881.2适用于内河...