GA/T 852.3-2009.Information specifications for recreation places public order administration-Part 3:Coding rules for business registration number.1范围GA/T 852.3规定了娱乐服务...
GA/T 852.2-2009.Information specifications for recreation places public order administration-Part 2 :Coding rules for recreation places registration.1范围GA/T 852.2规定了娱乐服...
GA/T 850-2009.Code for setting of on-street parking spaces.1范围GA/T 850规定了城市道路路内汽车停车泊位设置的选址和设计。GA/T 850适用于城市道路路内汽...
GA/T 831-2009.Dust foot print lifting tape technical requirement.1范围GA/T 831规定了灰尘足迹压敏胶提取胶带的外形尺寸、使用和检验方法及包装、贮存、运...
GA/T 744-2013.Automotive solar control window films.1范围GA/T 744规定了汽车车窗玻璃遮阳膜的技术要求、试验方法、检验规则和使用要求等。GA/T 744适用...
GA/T 645-2014.Speed dome for security surveillance.1范围GA/T 645规定了安全防范视频监控系统中变速球型摄像机的分类及标识、技术要求、试验方法、检...
GA/T 527.7-2018.Road traffic signal control mode-Part 7 :Control rules for tram signal priority at intersections.1范围GA/T 527.7规定了有轨电车交叉口优先通行控制的总...
GA/T 527.6-2018.Road traffic signal control mode Part 6:Control rules for bus signal priority at intersections.1范围GA/T 527.6规定了公交车交叉口优先通行控制的总则、...
GA/T 527.4-2018.Road traffic signal control mode-Part 4 : Requirements for implementation of coordinated control mode for arterial roads.1范围GA/T 527.4规定了干线协调信号控...
GA/T 527.3-2018.Road traffic signal control mode-Part 3: Requirements for implementation of isolated intersection control mode.1范围GA/T 527.3规定了单点信号控制方式的分...