GA 214.14-2004.Specification for resident population management information-Part 14: The standard of data exchange for the card making center.1范围GA 214.14规定了居民身份证制...
GA 214.11-2004.Specification for resident population management information-Part 11: Number of resident population information data package exchange.1范围GA 214.11规定了常住人...
GA 214.8-2004.Specification for resident population management information-Part 8: Valid limitation for citizen identification card.1范围GA 214.8规定了居民身份证有效期限...
GA 214.4-2004.Specification for resident population management information-Part 4: Number of accept sequence for citizen identification card.1范围GA 214.4规定了居民身份证受...
GA 214.3-2004.Specification for resident population management information-Part 3: Citizen identification card management information data items.1范围GA 214.3规定了公安机关管...
GA 214.2-2004.Specification for resident population management information-Part 2: Household register management information data items.1范围GA 214.2规定了公安机关在管理常...
GA 214.1-2004.Specification for resident population management information-Part 1:Basic data items.1范围GA 214.1规定了公安机关在管理常住人口信息时所使用的基本...
GA 210-1999.Sodium chloride powder extinguishing agent.1范围GA 210规定 了氯化钠干粉灭火剂的技术要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输和贮存...
GA 209-1999.Filtering respiratory protective devises for self-rescue from fire.1范围GA 209规定了消防过滤式自救呼吸器(以下简称呼吸器)的型号、技术要求、试...
GA 202-1998.Rear fog lamp for licensed vehicle.1范围GA 202规定了在用车上安装的后雾灯的主要技术要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志包装、运输和贮存...