DL/T 1105.1-2009.The technical guideline of non-destructive inspection for fllet welds of small diameter nozzle stubs on boiler headers in power stations Part 1: General requirement...
DL/T 1104-2009.Potentiometric Readout.1范围DL/T 1104规定了电位器式仪器测量仪(以下简称测量仪)的产品技术要求、试验方法、检验规则以及标志、包装...
DL/T 1103-2009.Testing and evaluation of vibration in nuclear power plant piping system.1范围DL/T 1103规定了核电站管道系统的振动测试方法、评估方法及验收准则...
DL/T 1102-2009.The code of distribution transformer operation.1范围DL/T 1102规定了10kV及以下配电变压器的安全要求、运行方式、运行维护、事故处理、变压...
DL/T 1101-2009.Acceptance specification for 35kV~1l0kV substation automation system.1范围DL/T 1101规定了35kV~110kV电压等级变电站自动化系统验收的管理、验收流程...
DL/T 1100.1-2009.Time synchronism systems of power system Part 1: Technical specifications.1范围DL/T 1100.1提出了电力系统时间同步系统的基本组成、配置及组网的...
DL/T 1099-2009.Technical requirements and tests for damper (IEC 61897:1998,Overhead lines - Requirements and tests for Stockbridge type aeolian vibration dampers, MOD).1范围DL/T 1...
DL/T 1098-2016.Requirements and tests for overhead line spacers.1范围DL/T 1098规定了架空电力线路间隔棒的技术条件和试验方法。DL/T 1098适用于交、直流架空...
DL/T 1097-2008.The code of welding for tube-plate of condenser of power p1ant.1范围DL/T 1097规定了火电厂凝汽器管板焊接的技术要求。DL/T 1097适用于火电厂凝汽...
DL/T 1096-2008.Limited value of particulate pollutant of transformer oils.1范围DL/T 1096规定了500kV及以上变压器油颗粒度宜达到的质量标准。DL/T 1096适用于50...