DL/T 1947-2018.Supervision procedure for special on-site acceptance tests of UHV AC electrical equipments.1范围DL/T 1947规定了交流特高压电气设备现场交接特殊试验...
DL/T 1942-2018.General specification for SFC-based starting system of gas turbine generator unit.1范围DL/T 1942规定了燃气轮发电机组用静止变频启动系统及其主要组...
DL/T 1884.1-2018.Measurement and evaluation of site pollution severity Part 1: General principles.1范围DL/T 1884.1规定了电力系统现场污秽度测量及评定应遵循的主要...
DL/T 1073-2007.General specifications for high speed transfer equipment for the power supplies for auxiliary equipment in power plant.1范围DL/T 1073规定了电厂厂用电源快速...
DL/T 1034-2006.Guide for 135MW grade circulating fluidized bed boiler operation.1范围DL/T 1034规定了在役135MW级循环流化床锅炉(额定蒸发量400t/h~ 500t/h)及主要辅...
DL/T 860.71-2006.Communication networks and systems in substations Part 7-1 Basic communication structure for substations and feeder equipment Principles and models.1范围DL/T 860....
DL/T 646-2006.Manufacturing Technical Requirements for Transmission and Substation Steel Tubular Structures.1范围DL/T 646规定了输变电钢管杆、钢管塔及钢管变电构支...
DL/T 614-2007.Multifunction electricity meterring equipment (A.C.).1范围DL/T 614规定了电力行业在订货、验收、使用多功能电能表时的技术要素,同时规范功...
DL/T 593-2006.Common specifications for high-voltage switchgear and controlgear standards.1概述1.1 范围DL/T 593适用于电压3.0kV及以上,频率为50Hz的电力系统中运行...
DL/T 538-2006.High-voltage presence indicating systems (IEC 61958: 2000 High-voltage prefabricated switchgear and controlgear assemblies-voltage presence indicating systems, MOD).1范...