CB 1220-2005 Normal forms of welding groove and outside size of welds for 921A steel etc.1范围CB 1220规定了921A、922A钢手工电弧焊、埋弧自动焊、埋弧半自动焊(包...
CB 1217-2008 Classifying of submarine load and calculation of centre of gavity.1范围CB 1217规定了潜艇各项载荷划分层次、代号、名称与重量重心计算要求。C...
CB 1216-2012 Technical requircmcnts of welding for titanium and titanium alloys used of naval ships.1范围CB 1216规定了舰船用钛及钛合金焊接的材料、焊接工艺、焊...
CB 1214-2012 Environmental test mcthods for submarine periscope.1范围CB 1214规定了潜艇潜望镜环境试验条件、试验方法、检测项目和要求等。CB 1214适用于潜...
CB 1213-2011 Specification for hydrogen monitoring and controlling device of submarine.1范围CB 1213规定了潜艇用载休催化原理和热传导原理的便携式和固定式氢气...
CB 1210-2011 Design and manufacture technical requirements for Uut tube of Submarine Periscope.1范围CB 1210规定了潜艇潜望镜外镜管(以下简称镜管)的要求、检验方...
CB 1188-2011 General specification for HF hydraulic telescopic whip antenna of ships.1范围CB 1188规定了舰船短波液压伸缩鞭状天线(以下简称为天线)的要求、质量...
CB 1028-2012 Drawings and technical document numbers of main marine steam turbines.1范围CB 1028规定了船舶主汽轮机图样及技术文件的编号方法。CB 1028适用于船舶...
CB 905-2007 Specification for emergency flap valve.1范围CB 905规定了应急舌阀(以下简称舌阀)的要求、质量保证规定和交货准备。CB 905适用于潜艇的主压...
CB 901-2011 P3.0 MPa flanged bronze gate valves.1范围CB 901规定了作用压力为3.0 MPa法兰青铜闸阀(以下简称闸阀)的分类、要求、试验方法和检验规则。...